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file find - searching .EXE archives

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:48 am
by yerrbjr
In file finder, when "Search Inside Archives" is checked, I'd like to be able to exclude self-extracting files (.EXE extension).
This would considerably speed up my most common searches.

(this request was made previously in email; I'm posting it here to make sure it doesn't get lost )

Re: file find - searching .EXE archives

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:39 pm
by FileViewer
In file finder, when "Search Inside Archives" is checked, I'd like to be able to exclude self-extracting files (.EXE extension).
I have actually implemented this in the latest V12 Preview which can be downloaded from:

The Advanced tab of the File Finder now has an option at the bottom to Search the following extensions ...

This contains a list of archive extensions that V will search. If you don't want to search EXE files, simply remove EXE from the list.
