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Folder Overwrite Question

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:09 am
by dbrannick
I just upgraded to Windows 7 and I downloaded and installed the 64bit version of V. My question is this: when I'm moving folders, I get the message that the folder exists in the target directory. Sometimes I have a lot of directories I'm consolidating and I have to confirm each move. Is there an option (I didn't see it) where I could disable the continuous confirmation messages like Windows Explorer does?

Re: Folder Overwrite Question

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:31 pm
by FileViewer
Is there an option (I didn't see it) where I could disable the continuous confirmation messages like Windows Explorer does?
No. Unfortunately, there isn't.

I will try and do something about this in the next release (V13).
