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Deleting Files Causes Not Responding

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:21 am
by dbrannick
When I try to delete some files, V sometimes hangs and then goes to not responding. I have to cancel V and restart.

Re: Deleting Files Causes Not Responding

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:22 am
by dbrannick
Forgot to mention. This is in V11 and V12

Re: Deleting Files Causes Not Responding

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:01 pm
by FileViewer
When I try to delete some files, V sometimes hangs and then goes to not responding
Can you be a bit more specific?

For example, are you selecting single files or multiple files?

Are the files on the local drive or are they perhaps on a network or removable drive?

Do you have Delete To Recycle Bin enabled in the More Options section of Preferences?

How are you deleting the files? By pressing the toolbar button? By pressing the delete key?

Does V display a confirmation message asking whether you want to proceed with the delete?

When you restart V, have the files been deleted?


Re: Deleting Files Causes Not Responding

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:53 am
by dbrannick
Sorry for not being specific:
1. I'm deleting both ways. Groups (lots of files >1000) or single.
2. Yes the delete to recycle bin was on. However, I do not need this option for what I'm doing as the files are easily recreated.
3. When it hangs and I restart V the files are deleted.
4. I'm using the delete key and yes it asks me for confirmation.

For a test, I turned off the recycle bin option and it was extremely quick and worked without issue. Could there be a problem going to the recycle bin?

Re: Deleting Files Causes Not Responding

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:42 pm
by FileViewer
I'm deleting both ways. Groups (lots of files >1000) or single.
And you've had V hang when only deleting a single file? Or does it only hang when deleting many files?
When it hangs and I restart V the files are deleted
Is a progress message displayed saying that the files are being deleted?
Could there be a problem going to the recycle bin?
There could be - I will look into it.

Next time you want to delete many files, please try using Windows Explorer to see if it has similar problems.

And if V hangs again, please wait a few minutes before stopping it.
