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DST, FFT, etc.

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:36 pm
by valkyriebiker
Hi, this program is just what I need. I love RoboCopy for it's no-nonsense copying and great flexibility. Just wish it had versioning!

Does VBackup support DST? e.g. Don't copy the entire source when the clock changes by one hour?

Also, what about FAT-style two-second granularity? Some NAS boxes don't properly support NTFS time stamps.

As an aside, the author mentions this is for his personal use and not for general use? I understand the author isn't making a reference to licensing (commercial vs. non-commercial), but rather seems more like saying "use at your own risk", as it were. Is the author aware of a more commercialized CLI utility that provides RoboCopy-like features with versioning?


Re: DST, FFT, etc.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:59 pm
by valkyriebiker
OK, I tested the DST question by running a backup, setting my clock after the DST cut-off, confirmed I was in standard time, and ran the VBackup again. Nothing copied on the second run, indicating that VBackup is DST aware. Nice.

I don't have a FAT NAS sitting around to test the FFT question, but that's not as important. Still would like to know, however.

Is the author (hello?) planning any other updates? I really like this program and plan to implement it in a CryptoLocker-avoidance backup scenario.

Re: DST, FFT, etc.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:48 pm
by FileViewer
OK, I tested the DST question by running a backup. Nothing copied on the second run, indicating that VBackup is DST aware. Nice.
I never considered the DST situation. The reason that it works is because I use the Uniiversal Time (UTC ) for comparison instead of the local file time.
Also, what about FAT-style two-second granularity? Some NAS boxes don't properly support NTFS time stamps.
I really don't know, but I can't see why it would cause any problems.
Is the author (hello?) planning any other updates?
Nothing planned in the near future.
Is the author aware of a more commercialized CLI utility that provides RoboCopy-like features with versioning?
No, although you could look at version control systems like Subversion or TortoiseSVN.

Re: DST, FFT, etc.

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:22 am
by valkyriebiker
Thanks for the replies!

If you aren't interested in updating this utility, will you release the source code? What is it written in?

I am interested in possibly expanding it's functionality, especially regarding the logging options and content.


Re: DST, FFT, etc.

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:56 pm
by FileViewer
If you aren't interested in updating this utility, will you release the source code? What is it written in?
It is written in C/C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio.

I will consider creating a SourceForge project for it - but I don't think this will happen until early next year.

Re: DST, FFT, etc.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:15 am
by valkyriebiker
Very nice, thanks...!